Youth Games in Athletics - Skovdalen in Aalborg 2019
2019-07-25 i Allmänt
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Vi har skickat ett bekräftelsemail till .
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Dear everybody
Thanks for all your response.
We "Aalborg Atletik & Motion (AAM)" are looking forward to see you, here in Skovdalen, where our beautiful stadium are placed. We hope you will have some fun and sports hours' together whit us, old and new friends.
In this mail I have attached documents with some information's about the week, when you are staying here in Aalborg.
Program Athletics:
SIFA have arranged, that you can sleep on a school named "Stolpedalsskolen". Its only 1.5 km from the athletic stadium "Skovdalen" and its possible to go or run to the athletics stadium from the school.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday there will be breakfast and lunch at Skovdalen, and Thursday will we barbecue on the terrace at Skovdalen. You can see all the activities in the document "program".
Training and Competition days:
You can se the preliminary time schedule in the document's "Thursday" + "Friday".
At the time schedule you can see the weight of the equipment, height of the hurdles etc..
In the document names Data-Athletics, you can see which excises the athletes is signed up.
(the yellow marks: I have signed up those athletes who wanted to participate at first, because there was some extra lanes, so they can participate anyway if they wish).
You are welcome to use our equipment for (javelin, Shot put, pole vault etc.) at the competition and training.
I think we will planning relay, maybe both days
Let me know if you have some adjustments, now you have seen the time schedule, and if you have some question about the program or others.
Kind regards
Morten Klitgaard
UL Sports Manager Athletics
Accommodation - Map
Övergripande Program
Tisdag 30 Juli